Conditions d’utilisation

Associació Càmpings de Girona

In compliance with Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, on Electronic Commerce and Information Service Companies (LSSI-CE), GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION hereby informs that it is the owner of the website In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of the aforementioned Law, GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION informs of the following information:

The owner of this website is GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION, whose tax identification number is G17116153 and registered address is Parc UdG, Edifici Narcís Monturiol, C/ Emili Grahit 91 Bloc A – Oficina A.01.17. It is registered in the business association registry with number 17/3. The company’s contact e-mail is


Any person who browses, accesses or uses the website of GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION is automatically deemed a User an must accept all of the Terms of Use established herein, without prejudice to all mandatory laws and regulations that may be applicable.

The website of GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION provides a large variety of information, services and data. The User accepts their responsibility to correctly use the website. Said responsibility extends to:


GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION accepts no responsibility for the content of websites that the User may access through the links included on its website and declares that under no circumstances will it examine or exercise any kind of control over the content of other websites. Neither shall it guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of any website that it does not own but that can be accessed via the links included in its website.

GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION declares to have taken all of the measures necessary to prevent any kind of harm to users who access its website and which may arise from browsing the website. Consequently, GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION shall not be responsible, under any circumstance, for any possible harm or damages that the User may suffer while browsing the Internet.


GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary, with no prior notice, to the contents of its website. This applies both the contents of the website and to the Terms of Use that govern it. These changes may be made through its website by any means admissible by Law, and compliance shall mandatory for as long as they are published on the website and until they are validly modified and replaced by subsequent changes.


ASSOCIACIO DE CAMPINGS DE GIRONA se reserva el derecho a realizar las modificaciones que considere oportunas, sin aviso previo, en el contenido de su sitio web. Tanto en lo referente a los contenidos del sitio web, como en las condiciones de uso del mismo. Dichas modificaciones podrán realizarse a través de su sitio web por cualquier forma admisible en derecho y serán de obligado cumplimiento durante el tiempo en que se encuentren publicadas en la web y hasta que no sean modificadas válidamente por otras posteriores.


Certain contents hosted on the website of GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION provide the possibility of booking online.

GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION informs that for all online bookings, users will be redirected to the website of each campsite.


In compliance with the provisions of current laws on Personal Data Protection, we inform you that your information will be added to the processing system belonging to GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION, whose tax identification number is G17116153 and registered address is Parc UdG, Edifici Narcís Monturiol, C/ Emili Grahit 91 Bloc A – Oficina A.01.17 , for the purpose of facilitating, accelerating and meeting the commitments established between both parties. In compliance with current Law, GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION informs that personal information will be stored only for as long as strictly necessary to comply with the aforementioned provisions.

Unless stated elsewise, we assume that your information has not changed, that you commit to inform us of any changes and that we have your consent to use said information for the aforementioned purposes.

GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION informs that it will process said information in a legal, loyal, transparent, appropriate, pertinent, limited, accurate and updated manner. For this reason, GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION commits to taking all reasonable measures to delete or rectify them immediately should they be inaccurate.

In accordance with the rights afforded by current data protection laws, users shall have the right to access, rectify, limit the processing of, delete, transfer or oppose the processing of their personal information, as well as to revoke the consent provided for its processing. You can do so by addressing your request to the address detailed above or by email, to

You may also contact the pertinent Regulatory Authority and submit any complaints you deem appropriate.


GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION, whether in its own right or as a licensee, owns all of the intellectual and industrial rights associated with its website, as well as all contents included therein (including, but not limited to, images, sounds, audio, videos, software, texts, brands, logos, colour combinations, structure, design, selection of materials published, computer programmes required for its operations, access and use, etc.), belonging to GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION. Therefore, they shall be protected as intellectual property by Spanish laws, and both Spanish and European laws may be applied in connection thereto, including international treaties on intellectual property that Spain has adhered to.

All rights reserved. In virtue of the provisions of Intellectual Property Law, it is strictly forbidden to reproduce, distribute, publicly transmit or make available, all or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes, by any technical means or on any medium, without express written consent from GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION.


GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION retains the right to take all legal actions it deems appropriate—civil or criminal—connected with the improper or unlawful use of its website and its contents, or for the infringement of these Terms and Conditions.

The relationship between the User and the Service Provider shall be governed by current Spanish laws. Should any disputes arise between the parties involved, they may submit them to arbitration or to ordinary jurisdiction, in compliance with the associated terms concerning jurisdiction. GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION’s registered offices are in Girona, Spain.


In compliance with current regulations on Personal Data Protection (RGPD) and with Law 34/2002, dated 11 July, on Electronic Commerce and Information Service Companies (LSSI-CE), GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION informs its users that it has created a profile on the Social Networks Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Slideshare and Instagram, for the purpose of publicising its products and services.


The user has a profile on the same social network and has decided to join the page created by GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION, thus displaying their interest in the information publicised on that network. By joining our page, they consent for us to process the personal information included on their profile.

The user may access, at all times, the social network’s privacy policy, as well as configure their profile so as to ensure their privacy.

GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION has access to and processes the information published by the user, particularly their username. This information is only used within that social network. It is not added to any kind of file.

In terms of your right to access, rectify, cancel or oppose said information, which you may exercise before GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION, in accordance with the RGPD, there are certain aspects that must be taken into consideration:

GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION will carry out the following actions:

The User will at all times be able to control their connections, delete content that they are no longer interested in and restrict who they share their connections with. To do so, they will have to access their privacy configuration.


Once the user has joined the page of GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION, they will be able to post comments, links, images, photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the social network on said page. In all instances, the user must be the rightful owner of the content and have the pertinent intellectual property rights or the consent of any third parties that may be affected. It is strictly prohibited to publish on the page any kind of text, image, photograph, video, etc., that is counter to or susceptible to be counter to morality, ethics, good taste or decorum, and/or that infringes intellectual or industrial copyright, personal image rights or the Law. In such instances, GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION reserves the right to immediately remove the content and request for the User to be permanently banned.

GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION shall not be responsible for any content freely published by the User.

The user must take into account the fact that their posts will be seen by other users, meaning that each user is responsible for their own privacy.

None of the images published on the page will be stored on any type of file by GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION, but they will remain on the social network.


GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION reserves the right to carry out contests and promotions, which users having joined its page will have the right to participate in. When contests are carried out via a social network, the rules for that contest will be published on the social network itself, always in accordance with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable law.

The social network does not sponsor, endorse or manage any of our promotions in any way, nor does it have any kind of association with them.


GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION will use the social network to publicise its products and services. If it uses the User’s contact information to carry out direct commercial surveys, it will always do so in accordance with the legal provisions set forth in the RGPD and the LSSI-CE.

If GIRONA CAMPSITE ASSOCIATION recommends its page to other users, said action shall not be deemed as publicity, but as an action whose purpose is for other users to be able to enjoy its promotions or keep up to date with its activities.

Below you will find links to the privacy policies of each social network: